Cambodia celebrates National Reading Day
Photo of the week
March 15, 2019 by GPE Secretariat
1 minute read
A Cambodian school girl is mesmerized by the book she reads. Cambodia celebrated National Reading Day on March 11. Credit: UNICEF/Cambodia
A Cambodian school girl is mesmerized by the book she reads. Cambodia celebrated National Reading Day on March 11.
Credit: UNICEF Cambodia

On March 11 for the past four years, Cambodia has celebrated a national day of reading, to highlight the importance for children to acquire good reading skills that will serve them throughout their education.

In Cambodia, reading and learning in schools are supported by the Capacity Development Partnership Fund (CDPF), a multi-donor program implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to strengthen the education system in the country. CPDF supports teachers, school directors and other education professionals to give children a better education. 


CPDF partners are: the European Union, the Swedish International Development Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Global Partnership for Education and UNICEF.

GPE’s current grant to Cambodia amounts to US$20.6 million, out of which the variable part, linked to results, of US$6.2 million is included in the CPDF to achieve results in equity, system efficiency and learning.

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