Board of Directors

Learn more about Board members and their responsibilities and browse Board decisions and meeting documents


The Board of Directors is comprised of 20 constituencies representing all the partners of the partnership. A Board member and an alternate Board member represent each constituency. Board members serve for 3 years.


The Board of Directors meets face-to-face generally twice a year to review progress and make strategic decisions. Other meetings may also be held throughout the year as needed. See all Board meetings below, including documents circulated and decisions made.


Showing 391 - 405 of 1055 results
Date Type Reference Decision Background documents
January 2021 Non-objection GPC/2021/01-03 Grants to Lao PDR
January 2021 Non-objection GPC/2021/01-04 Regional implementation grant to Pacific Small Island Developing States
January 2021 Non-objection CEO/2021/01-03 Grant to Chad
January 2021 CEO/2021/01-XX Grant to Chad
January 2021 Non-objection BOD/2021/01-01 Validity of existing maximum country funding
January 2021 Non-objection GPC/2021/01-01 Ex-ante approach for Yemen grants
January 2021 Non-objection CEO/2021/01-02 Multiplier Grant to the Kyrgyz Republic
January 2021 CEO/2021/01-XX Multiplier Grant to the Kyrgyz Republic
January 2021 CEO/2021/01-01 Grant for Burundi
December 2020 CEO/2020/12-XX Grant to Burundi
December 2020 Non-objection GPC/2020/12-01 Grant to Democratic Republic of Congo
December 2020 Non-objection GPC/2020/12-02 Vietnam Multiplier maximum country allocation
December 2020 CEO/2020/12-01 Impementation and Multiplier grant to Vanuatu
December 2020 CEO/2020/12-XX Grants to Vanuatu
December 2020 Affirmative vote BOD/2020/12-01 Grant to Central African Republic


Three committees support the Board in fulfilling its functions in a strategic, transparent and efficient manner.

Executive Committee: carries out specific administrative functions and decisions as delegated by the Board, performs an advisory role to the Chief Executive Officer, both on general matters and specifically about recommendations to the Board on forthcoming grant application approvals, and monitors adequacy and implementation of GPE’s governance and ethics policies.

Mandate | Members | Chair: Christine Hogan

Finance and Risk Committee: provides advice to the Board to ensure that resources are being managed efficiently, effectively and consistently with GPE's mission, goals, objectives and policies; oversees risk management practices and financial management and audit arrangements of GPE.

Mandate | Members | Chair: Nesmy Manigat

Performance, Impact and Learning Committee: monitors and oversees GPE’s performance, impact and learning, with a dedicated focus on results and based on data and evidence. This committee also oversees the implementation of GPE’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework and champions GPE’s engagement in wider global education initiatives.

Mandate | Members | Chair: Judith Herbertson