Transforming education in Togo

In Togo, less than half of children enroll in pre-primary education. Primary education has high enrollment, and the completion rate has increased from 72% in 2011 to 89% in 2022, but by the end of primary school, over half of students lack basic skills in reading and math.

Enrollment and learning levels decrease significantly in secondary education. Disparities throughout the education system are linked to regional, social and economic factors.

Togo is working with GPE and other partners to achieve large-scale change by improving early learning.

Togo’s Partnership Compact describes how partners will work together to:

  1. Promote an attractive, inclusive school environment conducive to learning
  2. Strengthen pedagogical support for teachers, and
  3. Strengthen harmonization and alignment of education sector interventions through better monitoring, evaluation and coordination.

A focus on engaging family and communities aims to boost girls’ enrollment and ensure educational continuity for children affected by conflicts and disasters.

Result story

Advancing inclusive education: making children with disabilities visible in Togo, Lesotho and Vietnam

Despite increasing global attention towards inclusive education, children living with disabilities are still too often left behind. Learn how national education coalitions in Togo, Lesotho and Vietnam work to ensure that children with disabilities are included in education policies and efforts.

Key data


out-of-school rate for children of lower-secondary school age


of children start learning one year before entering primary school


of primary teachers have the minimum required qualifications


of government expenditure on education


(data as of March 29, 2025)

  • Type: System capacity

    Years: 2023 - 2025

    Allocation: US$199,156

    Utilization: US$163,128

    Grant agent: World Bank

  • Type: Program implementation

    Years: 2021 - 2026

    Allocation: US$15,600,000

    Utilization: US$9,597,615

    Grant agent: World Bank

Civil society engagement

  • As part of its investment in civil society advocacy and social accountability efforts, GPE’s Education Out Loud fund is supporting the Coalition Nationale Togolaise pour l’Éducation Pour Tous (CNT/EPT) for the 2024-2026 period. This builds on previous support from the Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF).
  • Girls Not Brides for the 2024-2026 period.

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