Education in Burundi

Partner since:
Total grant support: US$145,736,515
Grant eligibility:
- Multiplier
- System capacity
- System transformation
Partnership compact
Coordinating agency: UNESCO, UNICEF
GPE Team lead: Adrien Alain Boucher
Partner since:
Total grant support: US$145,736,515
Grant eligibility:
Partnership compact
Coordinating agency: UNESCO, UNICEF
GPE Team lead: Adrien Alain Boucher
Burundi has made significant progress in increasing access to education. Enrollment in basic education is high, and preschool enrollment is growing.
However, persistent challenges remain with overall low learning levels and a high number of children repeating classes and dropping out of school. By the end of primary school, 72% of students lack minimum proficiency in reading and 40% in math, and there are significant rural-urban, public-private and gender disparities (PASEC 2019).
Burundi’s Partnership Compact marks the country’s commitment to deliver quality education to all children.
The government is working with GPE and other partners to improve the quality of learning by making education more equitable and inclusive. The reform focuses on teachers and aims to strengthen initial training and continuous professional development.
Efforts to improve the learning environment include ensuring school infrastructure complies with standards, opening a preschool classroom in every basic education school, expanding school feeding, and strengthening support to vulnerable children, including girls, children with disabilities and refugees.
Better management and use of resources, such as needs-based teacher recruitment and deployment, is expected to contribute to reducing inequalities in the education system.
out-of-school rate for children of lower-secondary school age
of children start learning one year before entering primary school
of primary teachers have the minimum required qualifications
of government expenditure on education
(data as of March 28, 2025)
Type: Multiplier
Years: 2025 - 2029
Allocation: US$30,000,000
Utilization: US$248,500
Grant agent: World Bank
Type: Program development
Years: 2024 - 2025
Allocation: US$191,646
Utilization: 0
Grant agent: UNICEF
Type: Program development
Years: 2024 - 2025
Allocation: US$139,912
Utilization: 0
Grant agent: UNESCO
Type: System capacity
Years: 2022 - 2025
Allocation: US$677,927
Utilization: US$308,742
Grant agent: UNICEF
Type: Program implementation
Years: 2019 - 2026
Allocation: US$46,900,000
Utilization: US$37,856,513
Grant agent: AFD
Support all children to attain expected outcomes of the basic education curriculum in a most efficient manner.
As part of its investment in civil society advocacy and social accountability efforts, GPE’s Education Out Loud fund is supporting the Coalition for Education for All (BAFASHEBIGE) for the 2024-2026 period. This builds on previous support from the Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF).