Education in Angola

Partner since:
Total grant support: US$50,310,243
Grant eligibility:
- Multiplier
- Girls' Education Accelerator
- System capacity
Education sector plan
Objective: Expand access to and promote quality education.
Partner since:
Total grant support: US$50,310,243
Grant eligibility:
Education sector plan
Objective: Expand access to and promote quality education.
Significant reforms have been made to the education system in Angola, improving the literacy and enrollment rates in recent years. However, school completion rates indicate high levels of dropout. The Angolan Education Law (2021) makes primary education free and compulsory for 6 years, but approximately 2 million children are still out of school.
The country's long-term strategy–Estratégia de Longo Prazo Angola 2025–promotes the human and educational development of the Angolan people.
Angola's National Development Plan 2018-2022 sets medium-term strategies to expand access to and promote quality education. Policy priorities include:
Education policy is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, and the National Education Development Plan Educar Angola 2030, running since 2017, guides policy implementation.
(data as of March 26, 2025)
Type: Multiplier
Years: 2024 - 2028
Allocation: US$50,000,000
Utilization: US$85,398
Grant agent: World Bank
Type: System capacity
Years: 2023 - 2025
Allocation: US$111,243
Utilization: US$64,477
Grant agent: UNICEF
As part of its investment in civil society advocacy and social accountability efforts, GPE’s Education Out Loud fund is supporting Associação de Actores Sociais Chave de Saber Angola (AASCS- EPT) for the 2024-2026 period.