Sabrine Ibrahim

Co-founder & CEO, Class Quiz

Sabrine Ibrahim

Sabrine is a Mechatronics engineer and a social entrepreneur. She is the co-founder & CEO of Class Quiz, a smart and interactive educational platform that aims to digitize primary education in Africa and MENA.

Sabrine studied Mechatronics engineering at the National Engineering School of Sousse. During her studies, she was active in the associative life of the school. She participated in the structuring and organization of the "ENISo Entreprises Convergence Forum" during five years, an annual meeting between industrialists, intellectuals and motivated students, an opportunity to open up to the socio-economic world, strengthen the partnership with the industrial world and promote the relationship between ENISois and enterprises.

Sabrine was also active in many associations that aim to improve the engineering students’ life and facilitate their professional integration such as ADENISo: Association of graduates of ENISo, an actor who constantly searches for innovative solutions to the problems of the junior students.

In 2015, after obtaining her engineering degree, Sabrine joined the "Generation A‘Venir (GAV)" a program organized by the "Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tunisian Foundation". This program aims to strengthen the capacities of young people in communication, leadership and project management and allow them to discuss the latest thematics with political representatives and experts in the field of human rights, civil and political rights, social - democracy, gender and many others.

In 2016, Sabrine co-founded her first company, ENVAST, a technological laboratory specializing in the creation of digital solutions such as software, web and mobile platforms, video games, augmented reality and virtual reality apps. The mission of ENVAST was the exploitation of the power of technology for the benefit of society. In fact, ENVAST has created and tested various educational technological solutions and supported several partners with its expertise in creating innovative digital solutions. Today, ENVAST is an IT development service provider that supports startups, companies and organizations on a national and an international scale.

Within ENVAST company, CLASS QUIZ was born, an educational platform that quickly gained a traction of the market along with strategic partners especially during the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this reason, in 2019, Sabrine delegated all her missions at ENVAST in order to launch Class Quiz startup and fully focus on this product. With a talented team, Sabrine now aims to boost Class Quiz to seize the market opportunity across MENA and Africa.