Nkosana Butholenkosi Masuku

CEO, Phenomenon Technologies

Nkosana Masuku is the 24 year old founder of Phenomenon Technologies. He enrolled at Hillside teachers college in the year 2015, specialising in physics and chemistry. He proceeded to graduate in 2017 where he was also employed as a science teacher by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education of Zimbabwe at a rural secondary school, Lubhangwe secondary in Matobo District, Matabeleland South. He is also doing a Bachelor of Science Education (Honours) degree in Computer Science at the National University of Science and Technology. Upon his teaching at the school, he made a discovery that the learners in rural schools weren’t exposed to excursions (field trips) and as such developed FundoVR, which takes learners on Virtual excursions. Nkosana has since went on to run his startup full-time, winning multiple awards due to his FundoVR innovation. Nkosana is the 1st runner up of the 2018 JCI Zimbabwe Creative Young Entrepreneur Award due to his work in the business space.