Melissa Diane Kelly

Engaging Policymakers in Early Childhood Program Coordinator, The World Bank

Melissa Kelly

Melissa Kelly is the Engaging Policymakers in Early Childhood Program, Coordinator at the World Bank, where she leads the Early Years Fellowship. She brings fifteen years of experience in design and delivery of ECD and education programming across diverse contexts. Melissa has led operational work on early childhood in Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, Pakistan and Indonesia in previous roles with ChildFund International and Save the Children. She holds several leadership roles in global and regional networks and working groups. Melissa previously managed Save the Children ECD program in Mozambique, which was evaluated by the World Bank in the first impact evaluation of ECD in Africa and later scaled up in a national pilot by the Ministry of Education. She holds a Master’s in International Educational Development from Columbia University’s Teachers College.