How development partners contribute to an effective partnership
GPE mobilizes partners to act on the principle that harmonized, inclusive collaboration is the most effective way to support countries in achieving a quality education for every child.
Development partners participate actively in building, supporting and improving GPE by weighing in on strategies, policies and grant decisions through representation in GPE’s governance structures.
Bilateral development partners are critical to GPE as donors to the GPE Fund, while both multilateral and bilateral partners provide critical complementary funding and programs to GPE partner countries.
At country level, development partners support governments in the development, financing, implementation and monitoring of education sector plans, policies and priorities defined in partnership compacts.
Development partners are an integral part of local education groups in every partner country, where they engage in policy dialogue for harmonized and aligned support to the education sector. Aligning aid is critical for supporting system transformation and better education outcomes.
Similarly, coordinated action increases overall aid effectiveness as well as development partners’ individual capacity in supporting transformation at scale. Read how.
Role in GPE’s country-level work
Development partners provide both funding and technical support to the development, implementation and monitoring of country-owned sector policies and strategies.
They also engage in GPE grant processes that support education system transformation, including discussions on priority reforms and development of a partnership compact, scope and strategic parameters of GPE grants and implementation modalities, the selection of grant agents, reviewing and providing feedback on grant proposals, dialogue and updates on grant implementation and partnership compact monitoring.
Development partners additionally support education sector monitoring by engaging in joint sector reviews, mid-term reviews and other country-owned monitoring mechanisms.
The Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) offers development partners, governments and in-country stakeholders a platform and means to share knowledge, engage research, and inform policy dialogue and practice with evidence.
In 2019, GPE’s Board of Directors adopted an Accountability Matrix to clarify what is expected from different GPE stakeholders to enable the partnership to achieve its vision and goals.
Development partners engagement in practice
Development partners play multiple roles in GPE as donors, decision makers in GPE’s governance structures, members of local education groups, grant agents and coordinating agencies.