The Global Partnership for Education welcomes Dr. Jakaya Kikwete, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and Dr. Susan Liautaud, international governance expert, as incoming Board Chair and Vice Chair
Dr Jakaya Kikwete and Dr Susan Liautaud
Dr Jakaya Kikwete and Dr Susan Liautaud

WASHINGTON D.C., May 28, 2021 - The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) welcomes the confirmation of Dr. Jakaya Kikwete, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, as Chair-elect of the GPE Board of Directors, and of Dr. Susan Liautaud, Chair of Council of the London School of Economics and Political Science, as GPE Vice Chair-elect.

The confirmation of Dr. Kikwete, a former African head of state, demonstrates the importance that GPE places on partner country leadership and engagement. Throughout his distinguished public service career, both in the Tanzanian government and in international and regional organizations, Dr. Kikwete has dedicated himself to advancing progressive policies for education and women and children's health.

Following GPE's significant governance review, the timely appointment as Vice Chair of Dr. Susan Liautaud, an international governance and ethics expert, confirms the place of strong governance at the heart of GPE's DNA.

The incoming Board Chair and Vice Chair will officially begin their terms on September 15, 2021.

Julia Gillard, GPE Board Chair and former Prime Minister of Australia, said: "I am delighted to welcome Dr. Jakaya Kikwete and Dr. Susan Liautaud as Chair and Vice Chair elect of the Global Partnership for Education. Dr. Kikwete is a respected leader on education and public health in Africa and beyond, whose experience and distinguished career of public service will steer GPE's work in the years ahead. Dr. Liautaud's vast expertise in governance and ethics will fortify GPE's partnership model for the benefit of millions of children worldwide."

Dr. Jakaya Kikwete, GPE Board Chair-elect and former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, said: "I have long championed the importance of quality education. I believe there is no greater change a leader can make to serve the most vulnerable and marginalized children than education. I am honored to lead the Board of the Global Partnership for Education, an organization that is engaged in addressing the global learning crisis that has been exacerbated by COVID-19."

Serigne Mbaye Thiam, GPE Board Vice Chair and Minister of Water and Sanitation of Senegal, said: "I congratulate the Chair and Vice Chair-elect on their confirmations to the GPE Board of Directors. As a former head of state and minister in the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Kikwete's appointment to head the GPE Board bolsters the central place of African and partner country leadership in everything that GPE does. Dr. Susan Liautaud's renowned governance experience will continue to build GPE's unique multi-stakeholder partnership to deliver even more effectively for children in lower-income countries."

Dr. Susan Liautaud, GPE Board Vice Chair-elect and Chair of Council of the London School of Economics and Political Science, said: "Education is the key to solving so many of the world's most critical challenges from human rights and health to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and eradicating the unacceptable levels of global inequality. I am honored to take on the role of Vice Chair of the GPE Board".

Since 2014, under the leadership of GPE's current Board Chair Julia Gillard, and Vice Chair, Serigne Mbaye Thiam, GPE's Board has expanded and diversified, bringing together all relevant partners around our shared mission of delivering quality education to the world's most vulnerable children.

The GPE Board now incorporates a dedicated seat for the private sector. Other members joining under Ms. Gillard's and Mr. Thiam's leadership include new multilateral organizations such as UNHCR and the World Food Programme (WFP), reflecting a growing focus on delivering quality education in fragile contexts.

Ms. Gillard's term as GPE Board Chair also saw the engagement of new donors including South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

GPE's governance was recently streamlined, with a reduction in the number of Board committees from five to three. The establishment of an Executive Committee will enable Board meetings to focus on strategic policy direction.

Since 2014, 17 developing country partners have joined GPE. GPE has also expanded substantially as a fund. With $1.5 billion in total approved funding and $1 billion in disbursements, 2020 was a record year for GPE's support to education in lower-income countries.

In October 2020, GPE launched its 'Raise Your Hand' financing campaign, which calls on global leaders to pledge at least US$5 billion over five years towards education in 90 lower-income countries and territories. The campaign comes at a critical time for education. COVID-19 has hit vulnerable children in lower-income countries especially hard, creating the biggest education emergency in recent history.


For more information, contact:
Tamara Kummer, GPE Media Lead, @email +33 7 82 26 07 18

About the Global Partnership for Education
GPE is a shared commitment to ending the world's learning crisis. It is the only global partnership and fund dedicated entirely to helping children in lower-income countries get a quality education, so they can unlock their potential and contribute to building a better world.

Dr Jakaya Kikwete and Dr Susan Liautaud
Dr Jakaya Kikwete and Dr Susan Liautaud

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