HLPF 2024 side event: Advancing climate action through education
Advancing climate action through education

Globally, 3.6 billion people live in areas highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change. A billion children are at extremely high risk of suffering from the climate crisis, affecting their well-being and their ability to attend school and learn.

For the most vulnerable learners, extreme climate events multiply the risk that they will never get the quality education they need to break out of the cycle of poverty. To protect and fulfill the right to education for all, education systems need to be more climate resilient. At the same time, education gives all children, youth and adults the knowledge and tools they need to confront the impacts of climate change and the risks it poses to lives, livelihoods and well-being.

Time: 13:15-14:30 ET / 19:15-20:30 CET

Co-organized by GPE, the Asia-Pacific Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), and the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, this roundtable discussion will underscore the need for resilient education systems and the pivotal role of education in climate action.

It will explore innovative approaches and best practices, drawing on insights shared at the Asia and Africa Regional Forums for Sustainable Development, to showcase the transformative power of education in building sustainable and resilient futures.

Location: Baha'i International Community
UN Office, 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 120
New York City


Keynote Address:

Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Geohazards and Disaster Management, Vanuatu


  • Hon. Cecilia A.M. Adeng, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of South Sudan to the United Nations in New York
  • Anita Dywaba, Next Generation Fellow - Gender Equality, Unlock the Future Coalition
  • Diego Ambasz, Senior Education Specialist for the East Asia and Pacific Region, and Co-Global Lead for Education and Climate Change in the Education Global Practice, World Bank
  • Foluyinka Fakoya, Advocacy and Public Policy, Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
  • Grant Kasowanjete, Global Coordinator, Global Campaign for Education (GCE)
  • Juanquine Castro, Youth Leader, Philippines
  • Rene Raya, Regional Advocacy Coordinator and Lead Policy Analyst, Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE)
  • Won Jung Byun, Team Leader, Greening Education Partnership, UNESCO
Advancing climate action through education