High-level dialogue to drive action towards ending violence in schools
Safe to Learn event at TES

Safe to Learn and GPE are co-convening this high-level side event at the Transforming Education pre-summit at UNESCO, Paris.

Hosted by young people, the event will bring together ministers, leaders, experts and advocates to highlight new ideas and solutions to end violence in and through schools, including in emergencies. The discussion will focus on what political action can be taken by the global education community to end violence at the Transforming Education Summit in September. The event is by invitation only.


  1. To increase political profile of safe learning in the Transforming Education Summit process
  2. To reach new audiences critical for the joint Safe to Learn global advocacy agenda, particularly targeting influential education decision makers and stakeholders
  3. To provide a platform for young people to speak directly to decision makers
  4. To launch and disseminate the Safe to Learn essay collection

Safe to Learn event at TES