Disability inclusion and inclusive education
Credit: World Bank brown bag series_Inclusive education

This event, jointly organized by the World Bank, GPE and the Inclusive Education Working Group of Global Action on Disability (GLAD) network, will highlight the importance of collaboration and coordination of different actors working with disability inclusion and inclusive education at the country level. Disabled Persons’ Organizations’ (DPO’s) position on inclusive education will be presented and perspectives from donor and multilateral actors will be shared.

Diane Richler, co-chair, GLAD Inclusive Education Working Group
Joshua Josa, Disability Inclusive Education Specialist, USAID
Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Global Disability Advisor, World Bank

Chair: Luis Benveniste, Regional Director, Human Development, World Bank

Location: MC 13-121 | 1818 H. St. NW, Washington, DC - World Bank

RSVP to attend or join via WebEx

Credit: World Bank brown bag series_Inclusive education