Advancing gender equality: The education, child marriage and menstrual hygiene nexus
Webinar for Menstrual Hygiene Day

To commemorate the International Menstrual Hygiene Day, observed on May 28 each year, and raise awareness, GPE and Girls Not Brides are collaborating on a virtual event to highlight the connections between menstrual hygiene, gender equality, child marriage and education.

Given the many gendered barriers to education, including menstrual health management, this event is a critical opportunity to share perspectives and highlight ongoing work to support girls to complete their education and fulfill their potential.

The overarching goal of this year’s commemoration is to build a world where no one is held back because they menstruate by 2030.


  • Spotlight the nexus between menstruation, education and child marriage to advance girls' education
  • Bring stakeholders together for an intergenerational dialogue to spotlight education as a key enabler to achieve goals of other sectors
  • Highlight the impact of menstruation on girls' absenteeism and educational attainment at school and importance of cross sector investments to advance gender equality through education
  • Demonstrate that sharing information about the menstrual cycle and biological and physiological changes will enable boys and girls to be empowered to advocate for the prevention of early pregnancy and child marriage.


  • Votey Hok, GPE Youth Leader, Cambodia
  • Tendai Kunyelesa, GPE Youth Leader, Zimbabwe
  • Rachel Idim, Youth Leader, Girls Not Brides, Nigeria
  • Matina Ebri, Youth Leader, Girls Not Brides, Nigeria
  • Martha Nabaasa Mugabe, Youth Leader, Girls Not Brides, Uganda
  • Mercy Ainomugisha Nkakara, Youth Leader, Girls Not Brides, Uganda
  • Nyarai Mache, Higherlife Foundation, Zimbabwe
  • Tsehaitu “Tubi” Retta, Girls Opportunity Alliance
  • Crystal Ikanih-Musa, GPE Advocacy and Public Policy Specialist
  • Fatou Gueye Ndir, Senior Regional Engagement and Advocacy Officer, Girls Not Brides.

Time: 09:00–10:30 ET / 11:00-12:30 CET / 13:00-14:30 GMT

Register in advance for this webinar

Girls Not Brides is a global network of more than 1,600 civil society organizations from over 100 countries committed to ending child marriage and ensuring girls can reach their full potential. 

Webinar for Menstrual Hygiene Day