7th African Day of School Feeding
7th African Day of School Feeding

The African Day of School Feeding is an annual high-level convening moment, led by the African Union, to renew and scale up commitment of African countries to deliver homegrown school feeding programs to advance human capital development and achieve the SDGs.

The event organized by the African Union, is co-convened with WFP and the support of other partners including GPE, IsDB and the Education Commission.

The theme of the 7th African Day of School Feeding is “Nutrition and human capital development in Africa through increased investment in home-grown school feeding​” and will bring together ministers, UN agencies, MDBs and other partners.​ The event will encourage ambitious and bold actions to strengthen and scale up homegrown school feeding programs across the continent and aim to:

  • Celebrate African commitment and leadership in the Global School Meals Coalition.
  • Showcase ambitious commitments from governments and share experiences from leading countries.
  • Present and launch the continental AUDA-NEPAD Home Grown School Feeding guidelines.
  • Identify ways to reinforce collaboration between key partners.
  • Share lessons learnt and school feeding best practices.

GPE involvement in the 7th African Day of School Feeding

February 28
12:30 - 13:30: Panel discussion on the importance of multisectoral approaches for financing, involving government officials and partners

March 1
11:40 - 12:40: High level session – pledges towards HGS


7th African Day of School Feeding