Education data highlights

Explore a list of useful statistics on education by theme, both globally and for GPE partner countries.

Access to education

  • Since the start of GPE 2025, GPE has reached nearly 253 million children, including 103 million girls and 380,383 children with disabilities. Those children account for 39% of all school-age children in the 76 countries with GPE grants. Of the nearly 253 million children, 70% are in partner countries affected by fragility and conflict.
    Source: GPE Results Report 2024, p. 31
  • 82 million more girls are in school in GPE partner countries since 2002.
    Source: GPE 2025 Case for investment, p. 8
  • 251 million children are still not in school today.
    Source: Global education monitoring report, 2024/5, Leadership in education: lead for learning, p. 6
  • 160 million more children are in school in partner countries since 2002.
    Source: GPE 2025 Case for investment, p. 4
  • 106 million more children enrolled in school in partner countries affected by fragility and conflict since 2002.
    Source: GPE 2025 Case for investment, p. 25
  • As of 2022, 16% of primary-school-age children, about 20% of lower-secondary-school-age adolescents and 26% of upper-secondary-school-age youth were out of school in partner countries.
    Source: GPE Results Report 2024, p. 15
  • Nearly 67% of partner countries’ partnership compacts address improving access for children with disabilities, with half focusing on teaching and learning for those children.
    Source: GPE Results Report 2024, p. 23
  • 85% of GPE grants supported activities to improve access to education in partner countries. through 38 COVID grants and close to 400,000 teachers received training on accelerated programs.
    Source: GPE Results Report 2024, p. 88
  • 1 in 5 children are out of school in low-income countries.
    Source: Global education monitoring report, 2024/5, Leadership in education: lead for learning.

Climate change and education

  • If every child received a full secondary school education by 2030, 200,000 disaster–related deaths could be averted in the following two decades through improved risk awareness.
    Source: UNESCO, 2016
  • 1 billion children are at extremely high risk of the impacts of climate change. That is nearly half of all children in the world.
    Source: UNICEF, 2021
  • Climate change could displace more than 216 million people by 2050, forcing them out of their homes and communities, interrupting their schooling, causing psychosocial stress and straining education provision at their destination.
    Source: World Bank, 2021

COVID-19 and education

  • On June 1st 2020, GPE doubled its COVID-19 emergency funding window to US$500 million to help lower-income countries mitigate both the immediate and long-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on education.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • 100 million children reached through distance learning programs (48% girls) thanks to GPE COVID-19 grants.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • At the peak of school closures, 1.6 billion learners were out of school, with 810 million in low-income countries.
    Source: UNESCO
  • 21 million children received school meals and took learning assessment tests through GPE COVID-19 grants.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • 722,000 teachers trained in distance learning methods through GPE COVID-19 grants.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • 59 million children received psychological support through GPE COVID-19 grants.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • More than 80% of the 66 accelerated grants to help countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 included initiatives that targeted children with disabilities to ensure learning continuity.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • On April 1st 2020, just three weeks after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, GPE unlocked US$250 million to help 67 lower-income countries mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on education.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • On March 25, 2020, GPE provided US$8.8 million to UNICEF to kickstart education systems’ response to COVID-19 in 87 lower-income countries.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • COVID-19 education grants have provided over $35 million across GPE partner countries to help teachers adapt to new distance learning methods.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • Content for remote learning was provided to teachers by 58% of all countries ranging from 81% in Europe and Northern America to just 29% in sub-Saharan Africa.
    Source: World Teachers’ Day 2021 Fact Sheet, p.7
  • School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to reduce the learning-adjusted years of education across developing regions by roughly a third to a full year.
    Source: Education finance watch 2023. p.2
  • The global learning loss is equivalent to 0.7 year of lost learning, which could translate into an annual reduction of 6.5% in the future earnings of current students once engaged in a job, as a result of lower productivity due to fewer cognitive skills. This reduction in earnings prospects could contract national income growth by 2.2% each year of working life (45 years on average) of the generation hit by the pandemic.
    Source: Education finance watch 2023. p.2
  • Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 6 out of 10 students in low and middle-income countries could not read and understand simple texts by age 10. Now, 7 out of 10 cannot read (due to the impact of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic).
    Source: Education finance watch 2023. p.18
  • Without adequate remediation, learning loss will likely translate into a huge negative impact on the global economy - up to a 0.68 percentage point reduction of GDP growth.
    Source: Education finance watch 2023. p.18
  • 41% of lower income countries reduced their spending on education after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with an average decline in spending of 13.5%.
    Source: Education Finance Watch 2022. World Bank, GEMR, UIS. p.4
  • Learning losses from missed in-person schooling amounting to 2 trillion hours of lost learning.
    Source: UNICEF, 2022
  • Total global education spending over the last 10 years before COVID-19 increased steadily, from US$4 trillion in 2010 to US$4.9 trillion in 2018, and then stagnated with the onset of the pandemic.
    Source: Education Finance Watch 2022. World Bank, GEMR, UIS. p.10
  • 13 million girls could be forced into early marriage as their parents grapple with the economic fallout of COVID-19.
    Source: World Bank, 2020

Early childhood education

Economic growth

Education in crisis situations


  • 60% of partner countries increased their share of education expenditure or maintained it at 20% or above.
    Source: GPE results report 2023, p.3
  • GPE partner countries (43 with data) allocated 18.6% of their budget for education in 2021.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • Children in high income countries received an education worth 155 times more (US$8,532 per child in 2022 constant US dollars) than the education received by children in low-income countries (US$55 per child in low-income countries).
    Source: Education Finance Watch 2024. World Bank, GEMR, UIS. p. 7
  • Globally, education spending as share of GDP has decreased from 4.5% in 2010 to 4.3% in 2022.
    Source: Education Finance Watch 2024. World Bank, GEMR, UIS. p. 6

Gender equality

Inclusive education

  • Children with disabilities are 42% less likely to have essential reading and numeracy skills than other girls and boys.
    Source: GPE annual report 2023, p.23
  • In 2020, GPE offered 66 accelerated grants to help countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 80% of them included initiatives that target children with disabilities to ensure learning continuity, such as accessible remote lessons, print materials in Braille, assistive devices and the promotion of supplementary support programs.
    Source: GPE Secretariat
  • 67% of partner countries reported key education statistics disaggregated by children with disabilities.
    Source: GPE results report 2022, p.7
  • In 2022, 62,163 children with disabilities were supported through 17 grants that reported these data.
    Source: GPE results report 2022, p.72
  • Globally, the share of schools with adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities increased at all levels of education, and most significantly in upper secondary from 46% in 2015 to 56% in 2020.
    Source: 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report: SDG 4 mid-term progress review. p.8
  • Approximately one billion people in the world are living with a disability, with at least 1 in 10 being children and 80% living in lower-income countries.
    Source: World Report on Disability
  • The literacy rate for adults with disabilities is 3%. For women with disabilities the literacy rate is even lower, at 1%
    Source: UNGEI. Still left behind: Pathways to inclusive education for girls with disabilities, 2017. p.12
  • In low-income countries, less than half the number of children from poorest households complete primary education, compared to children from the richest households.
    Source: United Nations, 2020

Learning and literacy

Peace and security

Quality teaching