Annual Report 2022
GPE celebrated 20 years of investing in quality education for every child.
Laura Frigenti was appointed GPE's Chief Executive Officer.

14 Ministers of Education from sub‑Saharan African signed the Freetown manifesto for gender transformative leadership in education.

Multiplier grants were approved in 9 countries totaling US$156 million leveraging US$786 million in cofinancing from 26 partners.

Ministers of Education representing 80 partner countries signed the Ministerial communiqué on transforming education at scale at the Transforming Education pre-summit in Paris in June.
The GPE Knowledge and Innovation Exchange and Education Out Loud were both extended to 2027, with an additional US$80 million and US$60 million respectively.
9 countries joined GPE: Angola, El Salvador, Eswatini, Fiji, Guatemala, Indonesia, the Philippines, Tunisia, Ukraine. Qatar joined the partnership with a pledge through Education Above All.

At the Transforming Education Summit in New York in September, GPE called on world leaders to urgently commit more and better financing for education.

The Girls' Education Awareness Program launched in Kenya with the government and private sector partners Ecobank Foundation, Avanti Communications and Rotary International.

Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo was appointed the new GPE champion on education financing.
GPE approved close to US$300 million in new grants to 41 countries. The GPE active grant portfolio reached nearly US$3 billion.

The cofinancing and co‑creation of a dedicated and additional window of the GPE Knowledge and Innovation Exchange between the LEGO Foundation, GPE and the International Development Research Centre led to five new research initiatives.
Grants approved in 2022

The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of GPE, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.
Transforming education
In a context of the profound impacts of COVID-19, severe climate events and budgetary pressures worldwide, GPE continued to achieve results while shifting to new and ambitious ways of working with partners.
From fostering policy discussions at the country level through to sustained grant support, GPE worked with its partners to target the roadblocks to education reforms and transformation.
- El Salvador, Kenya and Rwanda became the first countries to secure financing under the GPE 2025 approach.
- 13 countries prepared partnership compacts, defining the priority reform they expect will remove key obstacles to systemwide change in education.
- El Salvador became the first partner country to access the Girls' Education Accelerator, with a partnership compact that advances girls' education in early childhood.
- GPE approved $4.9 million in system capacity grants to strengthen coordinated action and financing.
- GPE responded to country demand to build expertise in three areas: education sector monitoring, mainstreaming climate change in education sector plans, and better collecting and using education data.
- By the close of 2022, Education Out Loud had provided more than 70 grants in 63 countries and states, including projects for civil society in nine new countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Chad, the Arab Republic of Egypt, El Salvador, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia and Tunisia.
In 2022, GPE partnered with more than 40 youth leaders: young education activists based in 20 partner and donor countries. They raised awareness of the barriers to education and campaigned to increase the ambition of leaders for financing education and development. Their voices helped protect education financing, encourage pledges to GPE and keep global education financing on the political agenda.
students were reached
through GPE grant activities.
textbooks were distributed.
teachers were trained.
were built or renovated.
Transforming Education Summit

At the Transforming Education Summit in New York in September 2022, GPE called on world leaders to sustain strong ambitions for children and to urgently commit much more and better financing to address a profound crisis in education, accelerated by conflict, the food and fuel crises, climate change, inflation and COVID-19.
GPE endorsed:
- Call to Action on Advancing Gender Equality
- Commitment to Action on Education in Crisis Situations
- Commitment to Action on Foundational Learning
- Call to Action on Investing More, More Equitably and More Efficiently in Education
- Call to Action on Greening Education Partnership
Thematic areas
Gender equality

GPE 2025 helps partner countries target the barriers to achieving gender equality in education. All countries that developed partnership compacts in 2022 considered how their priority reform would advance gender equality.
Learn moreConflict and fragility

GPE has experience in supporting partner countries in keeping their education systems functioning in the face of hardships. In 2022, nearly half of GPE's 82 partner countries were affected by fragility or conflict.
Learn moreCOVID-19 recovery

GPE's response as the scale of the crisis unfolded in 2020 emphasized urgency and Flexibility. GPE COVID grants benefitted more than 76 million girls and boys in GPE partner countries and enabled training nearly 230,000 teachers.
Learn moreClimate change

GPE has a strong track record in working with countries in building more resilient education systems, and is extending these efforts as climate change impacts mount. GPE sent its first high-level delegation to COP27 in Egypt to highlight the nexus between education and climate and advance collaboration with partners.
Learn moreEducation financing

GPE benefited from strong donor support throughout the year GPE and allied with its partners to keep the spotlight on the urgent need to mobilize funding for education. GPE welcomed Qatar as a donor country, with $20 million to GPE through the Education Above All Foundation.
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