The 2018 Portfolio Review assesses the GPE country-level grant portfolio and presents the trends in volume as well as geographic and thematic allocations of four types of grants: education sector plan development grants (ESPDG), program development grants (PDG), education sector program implementation grants (ESPIG) and Multiplier ESPIG.
The report covers the fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) and was prepared based on data provided by grant agents, developing country partners, coordinating agencies and Secretariat staff.
The report satisfies the requirements described in the terms of reference of the Grants and Performance Committee to “provide annual reports on the country-level grant portfolio (education sector plan development grant, program development grant and education sector program implementation grant), including disbursements, budgets and implementation progress and make recommendations on future funding priorities and strategies”.
Also read a summary of key observations