In Zimbabwe, early reading support leads to better learning
Photo of the week: Through the GPE-funded Early Reading Initiative, 38,000 teachers in Zimbabwe have been trained since 2013
November 25, 2016 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Six-year old Kahyepi is in grade 1 at Avondale Infant School in Harare, Zimbabwe. Credit: GPE/Carine Durand

Kahyepi Tatenda, 6 years old, is in grade 1 at Avondale Infant School located in Hararé, Zimbabwe’s capital.

He enjoys playing with the literacy cards that his teacher prepared to help him and his friends learn better in class. His teacher was trained to produce drawing materials in order to teach early reading in a more interactive way.

In Zimbabwe, the Early Reading Initiative (ERI) was introduced in 2013 with funding from GPE.

Teachers and learners from preschool to grade 2 have gained new skills thanks to the program, and 38,000 teachers have been trained since the initiative started.

The objective of the program is to enhance staff development so that preschool learners can learn better.

Learn more about education in Zimbabwe

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Excellent Initiative; should be tried internationally.

I am a university lecturer in Fiji and by the time students come to us at university, we wonder how they got through school without really learning how to read, understand and write.

Try this everywhere you have UNICEF missions please!

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