What do Teachers Need to Be Empowered?

Infographic of the week: Teachers of the world say: "Everyday we want to make things better."

August 01, 2014 by GPE Secretariat
1 minute read

How can we help teachers in providing the best learning experience for children? Often teachers are underpaid, but still do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Teachers want to feel more valued and participate in dialogue with students, other teachers, parents and policy-makers.

This infographic was created during the session "Empowering Teachers" at the GPE Replenishment Conference in Brussels.

The session issued a call to action urging participants to strengthen collaboration on teachers issues to achieve a quality education for all children.

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In my point of view, in order to empower teacher, the government or stakeholder has to think about incentive and professional skill including morality. I think incentive is the fundamental need for underpaid job like teacher. Incentive here is not about only money, but also mentally supportive.Teachers are going to work hard and contribute as much as they can if they get more attention and motivation from the management line. Meanwhile, professional skill plays very vital role for teacher in order to enhance their teaching capacity and transfer knowledge to students. Incentive and professional skill will draw teachers to be active educators, and they are more likely to find the way for self-development itself.

I agree totally with Socheat's comment above. I think too much of emphasis is being place on material and physical need need of teachers and the teaching profession without a corresponding consideration of morality and corruption. The popular saying that you can take a horse to the river but you can not make it drink says more about the education system from my own point of view and experience in rural communities in Nigeria. The trouble is really not the absence of teachers or empowerment per se; but rather the collapse of the social responsibility system where education administrators have turn politicians and contractors and are constantly seeking ways to enrich themselves from school supplies and teacher training programmes while the teacher in the classroom is completely ignored and sometimes urged to look the other way. A teacher cannot really be productive in such an environment. More need to be done to create a responsible working environment where the teacher's motivation in terms of the items identify here is paramount but a lot more need to be done to motivate and support teachers to see themselves as human beings; and their personal goals and dreams guaranteed and supported by the government.

Teachers need a greater investment in training & development to allow incoming teachers to have what Malcomb Gladwell defines as 10,000 hours of experience, but we also need partners, advocates of the classroom. As we have it now, teachers are ridiculously disdained and blamed for obstacles outside of our control. We will not accept that poverty and family values impact the classroom, but rather, we just point our fingers and blame the lousy teachers.

Considero que todo es importante pero lo principal para los profesores son las buenas polìticas educativas para que podamos trabajar con mejor calidad en el proceso educativo por supuesto eso va de la mano de la inversiòn que se debe hacer en Educaciòn

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