Pope Francis sends supportive message ahead of GPE Financing Conference
His Holiness Pope Francis sent yesterday a message of support and encouragement to Julia Gillard, GPE Board Chair, in advance of the GPE Financing Conference that will take place in Dakar next week.
January 24, 2018 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
His Holiness Pope Francis and Julia Gillard at the Vatican in May 2017. Credit: Osservatore Romano
His Holiness Pope Francis and Julia Gillard at the Vatican in May 2017
Credit: Osservatore Romano

His Holiness Pope Francis sent yesterday a message of support and encouragement to Julia Gillard, GPE Board Chair, in advance of the GPE Financing Conference that will take place in Dakar next week.

In a visit to the Vatican in May 2017, Julia Gillard had appealed to His Holiness to continue supporting education for the poorest children, which is GPE’s mission.

In the letter, the Vatican wrote:

“Mindful that this conference will bring together Heads of State and representatives from various countries, including private and international organizations and businesses, the Holy Father prays that this encounter may strengthen efforts to provide an integrated education for children throughout the world, especially those affected by conflict, famine and inequality.”

The letter ends with Pope Francis sending his blessings to all present at the conference next week.

At the GPE Secretariat, we are deeply honored by His Holiness’s support and emboldened in our action on behalf of the millions of girls and boys around the world who need our help to get a quality education.

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