Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) launches call for global grants

KIX global grants will support projects that develop, test, and apply ways to scale proven innovations in areas that are core to improve the performance of education systems.

August 05, 2019 by Tricia Wind, International Development Research Centre, and Ian Macpherson, GPE Secretariat
4 minutes read
A boy reads the alphabet from the blackboard. Felege Abbay Elementary School, Ethiopia.
A boy reads the alphabet from the blackboard. Felege Abbay Elementary School, Ethiopia.
Credit: Credit: GPE/Carolina Valenzuela

Earlier this month, Alice Albright, the Chief Executive Officer of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and Jean Lebel, the President of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), announced the launch of the GPE Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX). A joint endeavor between GPE and IDRC, KIX is a response to five key factors that hinder improved education outcomes: limited knowledge about what works in education system reform; the challenges of scaling educational innovations; the need for nationally relevant responses to education system challenges; the limited use of evidence in policy planning and implementation; and the limited investment in knowledge sharing.

KIX will help make national education systems stronger and accelerate education progress in the global South. It will do so by supporting knowledge exchange across countries and by funding knowledge and innovation at global and regional levels. KIX aims to find, fund and support the scaling of proven responses to key educational challenges identified by partner countries, and ensure these approaches feed into national education sector policy planning and implementation processes.

We are excited to announce that KIX has just launched its first major call for global grants that aims at strengthening education systems with proven innovations.

Scaling proven innovations

KIX global grants will support projects that develop, test, and apply ways to scale proven innovations in areas that are core to improve the performance of education systems. We know, that many education innovations work in terms of improving learning outcomes, enhancing equity in education access, and improving efficiency and cost effectiveness in education systems. But we also know that many education innovations remain disconnected from and not integrated with national systems.

Relatively little is known about innovations with a proven impact that can be scaled within context, adapted and possibly transferred across multiple contexts. More specifically, while evidence on scaling and education exists, it is frequently on expanding access to education and not improving learning outcomes. Real progress in education requires a better understanding of scaling processes that achieve impact in access, quality, equity and efficiency together.

Global grants for knowledge and innovation

KIX global grants will develop evidence about education innovations that work in different political, economic, social and cultural contexts; under what conditions; how these interventions can successfully be adapted and scaled in these contexts; and for whom they work. This evidence can contribute to accelerating the pace of change to address the global learning crisis and education access in GPE partner countries.

Projects funded will be multi-country and multi-regional, involving at least three GPE country partners in at least two GPE regions and addressing one or more of KIX’s thematic areas: data systems, learning assessment systems, teaching and learning, gender equality, equity and inclusion, and early childhood care and education. These thematic areas were proposed by developing country governments and partner organizations. Each thematic area is explored in a discussion paper, commissioned by GPE and prepared in consultation with 240 experts from within and outside developing countries.

How to apply

Find out more about the KIX Global call here, including information about how to apply.

What else is coming from KIX

In the coming weeks and months, KIX will review expressions of interest from organizations applying to act as regional learning partners, and will invite full proposals from short-listed candidates. In 2020, the hubs will become operational, and inform future calls for regional grants to meet the priorities of GPE developing country partners.


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