Join the Consultation on Teaching and Learning for Development
The 2013 Global Monitoring Report on Teaching and Learning will focus on the problems of out-of-school children and poor quality education. Join the discussion using the hashtag #teachandlearn.
November 26, 2012 by Alexandra Humme, Global Partnership for Education
2 minutes read
A student learns to read in a primary school in Zambia. Credit: GPE/Dan Petrescu
An estimated 61 million children are out of school around the world. Approximately 1 out of 3 primary-aged children are not learning to read and to write – including those who are in school. The 2013 Global Monitoring Report (GMR) on Teaching and Learning for development will focus on this learning crisis. “It is not only failing children, but also leaving countries without the knowledge and skills needed to accelerate progress towards tackling poverty reduction, malnutrition, environmental degradation, and other development outcomes,” says Kate Redman from UNESCO, one of our partners which prepares the Global Monitoring Report. UNESCO seeks your views on how to promote teaching and learning in ways that will ensure education contributes effectively to the desired development outcomes. Post your comments here. Read full blog at Join the discussion with @efareport and @pauline_rosegmr using #teachandlearn.

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