It’s time to go back to school!
In most countries above the Equator, children are going back to school these days. However, not all children live the excitement of getting back into a classroom.
August 26, 2016 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Two boys on their way to school in Burundi. Credit: UNICEF Burundi

In most countries above the Equator, children are going back to school these days. They prepare their bags and supplies, maybe their uniform too. They eagerly anticipate seeing their friends again, meeting new ones. They look forward to the new things they will be learning.  

Sadly, not all children live the excitement of going back to school. 121 million children and adolescents around the world do not go to school at all.

That’s 121 million individual lives that won’t get the benefit of an education.

Most of these children will be unable, once adults, to lift themselves and their families out of poverty; they will experience more health issues and will be unable to have a good-paying job. Girls will be more likely to marry and get pregnant too early.

Those whose lives have been upended by conflict (35% of the total number of out-of-school children) and natural disasters will not be able to rely on education to resume their childhood.

But what we know is that education for these children costs only $1.18 a day per child. That seems like a reasonable price to pay to brighten 121 million futures.

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