Guinea, education back on track
Photo of the week: Guinean ministry officials and development partners have collaborated closely on restoring the education system after the Ebola outbreak
July 17, 2015 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Children lining up to have their temperature taken before entering school in Conakry, Guinea © GPE/ Tabassy Baro

In the picture above, students are lining up to have their temperature taken before entering their classroom in Conakry, Guinea. Washing hands and having temperature checks are a required part of attending school as the country mobilizes to end the Ebola outbreak that began in December 2013 and caused 2,506 deaths.

Guinean ministry officials and development partners have collaborated closely on helping the education system get back on track after schools reopened in January of this year.

In December 2014, the GPE Board of Directors approved a new grant for Guinea of US$37.8 million. The grant is supporting the Ministry of Education in moving ahead from Ebola, improving access and learning for marginalized children strengthen the Ministry’s management capacity.

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Thank you GPE for supporting the hard work of Guinea who through their education system, are ending Ebola in their country.

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Education is a powerful tool in the hand of man. It is one single weapon that can be used to fight myriad of problems that have befallen the world. He who is poor in all things should not be poor in education. In all our gettings, we must thrive to get sound and quality education.

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