When Guinea-Bissau joined the Global Partnership for Education in 2010, the country aimed at strengthening its education system while it was undergoing recurrent political crises, civil wars and several coups.
Despite peaceful elections in 2014, the Guinea Bissauan political and institutional environment remains fragile and has a particularly strong impact on the education sector.
With 40% of its population being illiterate, 30% of primary school age children out-of-school, recurrent teachers’ strikes and large-scale absenteeism, the country faces significant challenges.
Despite this challenging environment, the government expressed its strong willingness to improve its education system and took positive steps to do so.
To contribute to these efforts, GPE granted Guinea-Bissau US$191,000 in 2017 with the objectives of supporting:
- an analysis of the education sector
- the reinforcement of government capacities in collecting reliable data for the development of the education sector plan (ESP)
- the independent evaluation of the ESP
- the development of the plan based on the independent evaluation’s recommendations and technical assistance
- communication and dissemination of the ESP.
A new 8-year sector strategy
After a thorough analysis as well as an independent appraisal, the Plano Sectorial da Educação covering the period 2017 – 2025 was developed, finalized and endorsed by the local education group.
The sector plan is based on Guinea Bissau’s vision to ensure quality education for all, which is outlined in the ‘Carta Politica’ and the national strategy ‘Terra Ranka’.
It aims at reaching four priorities, targeting the improvement of:
- access to basic education,
- quality and relevancy of teaching and learning,
- the development of trainings fitting economic development needs,
- the reinforcement of the sector governance.
In line with these priorities, the ESP covers all levels of education and is organized around three main components: access, quality and governance.