On July 28 and 29, the Global Partnership for Education co-hosted the Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021–2025 with the governments of Kenya and the United Kingdom. It was an opportunity for leaders to make 5-year commitments to support GPE’s work to help improve education systems for the most vulnerable children across the globe.
This Africa Youth Month, themed “Defining the Future Today: Youth-Led Solutions for Building the Africa We Want,” we reflect on the role that young people played during the summit and the Raise Your Hand campaign, and on their role in ensuring that governments follow through on their commitments to protect, prioritize and increase financing for education so that no child is left behind.
GPE youth leaders played a vital role during the summit, bringing their expertise and their lived experience to discussions with world and sector leaders. Passionate, self-driven, vocal and brilliant, youth leaders from across the world have played significant roles in supporting the campaign.
We have consistently advocated for quality education for young people in Africa. In addition, we understand that education is not just an African issue but a global concern.
Before the summit, we used our moderating, communication and advocacy skills to amplify the Raise Your Hand campaign. For example, we addressed members of Parliament from the United Kingdom and Kenya.