The Essential Link Between Education and Health
Picture of the Week: Alice Albright, CEO of the Global Partnership for Education, stands next to Bill Gates, the billionaire philanthropist whose foundation spearheaded efforts to improve health in the world's poorest countries.
April 04, 2014 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Credit: GPE/Marian Leitner

In this photo taken earlier this week, Alice Albright, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Partnership for Education, stands next to Bill Gates, the billionaire philanthropist, whose foundation spearheaded efforts to improve health in the world's poorest countries.

Both were attending a conference on neglected tropical diseases hosted by Institut Pasteur in Paris.  Around the world, it is estimated that 400 million children suffer from parasitic worm infections, making it hard for them to concentrate, think and learn. Using schools to educate children about preventive measures and to distribute treatment is a critical way in which education contributes to health. The Global Partnership for Education is financing a study in 15 countries in Africa and Southeast Asia to pilot school health interventions and learn from them, for the benefit of children around the world.


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