"Education is the Great Equalizer"
Inequality is spiraling out of control: this is the evidence from researchers and thought leaders from around the world, and it is what Oxfam sees on the ground in the more than 90 countries where we work. Opportunities, power and money are concentrated in the hands of the few, at the expense of the majority.
November 12, 2014 by Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam International
4 minutes read
Girl with raised hand in Mali (c) GPE/Michelle Mesen

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First of all, I salute Mrs. Winnie Byanyima for distinct and extra-ordinary ideas she puts across the world and specifically to developing nations more so in Africa. I would to urge other leaders to join hands in strengthening these ideas to come to a reality because this is the only way to change human race from families, communities, societies and the world at large. I also ask her to keep the spirit.

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