Aminata Sonde, an 11-year-old young girl, is an internally displaced child from Oursi in the Sahel region. Aminata and her brother were separated from their parents and live with their aunt Mariam Bande in Sector 4 of Barsalogho, a township in the Centre-Nord region of Burkina Faso.
Because of attacks by unidentified armed groups, Mariam was forced to flee with the children to find refuge in Boussouma, located about 60 km from Barsalogho.
In Boussouma, Aminata joined the Child Friendly Space (CFS) created by the Association pour le Développement Communautaire et la Promotion des Droits de l'Enfant (ADC/PDE), thanks to the support of UNICEF and funding from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
There, Aminata, like her other friends, benefits from psychosocial support and flourishes thanks to the games, leisure and other socio-educational activities set up by the association.
"In our CFS, we don't only bring the children to have fun; we provide them with psychosocial support, and they also take writing classes," says Judith Kabré, project manager at ADC/PDE.
The commune of Boussouma has 23,797 internally displaced persons (IDPs), including over 18,000 children as of February 2023. Of these children, 98% are out of school.
The commune's social services, like those of other communes in the region facing a security crisis, are struggling to meet the needs of IDPs.