The European Union knows education is essential for development. Nearly one year ago, the European Commission confirmed its commitment to ensuring that by 2030, every child will be able to complete basic education, regardless of their circumstances, and have basic literacy and numeracy skills. On May 23, 2013 Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs announced that at least 20% of the 2014-2020 aid budget is to be foreseen for human development and social inclusion, education being a main component. As much as €2.5 billion will be mobilized for education, confirming it as a priority for EU development post-2015.
In June 2014, Commissioner Piebalgs and the European Union will host the Global Partnership for Education’s Second Replenishment Conference in Brussels, Belgium where we are calling on the international community to commit to giving all boys and girls in the poorest countries access to school and learning.
What would you #AskEU Commissioner Piebalgs about global education? Here's your chance:
Commissioner Andris Piebalgs is a former teacher and minister of education who feels strongly that education provides people with opportunities to make a living and improve their lives. Ask the Commissioner about his focus on education through a comment on this blog post or on Twitter with #AskEU by Wednesday, April 9. The Commissioner will answer 4 of the best questions.