60 country partners, 60 education profiles
60 new pages on the GPE website feature education objectives, grant information, data and results for each GPE developing country partner.
October 21, 2015 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read

In an effort to provide more information about the education priorities of GPE developing country partners, as well as their progress and results, our website now features 60 detailed country pages with comprehensive education profiles, data visualization, and key resources.

Education profiles

The new country pages are organized into five sections:

  1. The overview summarizes key dates, grant amounts and results for each country, highlighting when the education sector plan was endorsed, listing GPE implementation grants, and noting the latest results achieved with GPE support.
  2. The second section details education challenges that a country faces and the priorities and objectives it has defined in its education sector plan.
  3. Data on key education indicators about access, domestic financing, and teachers are visualized in 9 graphs. The data is sourced automatically from UIS.
  4. The fourth section highlights the scope and main components of the GPE-funded program and how the program is aligned with the country’s sector priorities.
  5. The results section details achievements obtained thanks to the work of GPE partners and GPE-funded programs.

Key resources easily visible

GPE Developing country partners Information boxes

Related resources just a click away

A highlight section features country-related resources including videos, photos, results cards and success stories.

GPE Developing country partners webpage highlight boxes
Access the country pages button

We hope you will enjoy browsing the country pages and find them a valuable resource. As always we appreciate your feedback, either in the comments to this blog or via email at: information@globalpartnership.org.

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quelles sont les 25 communes ayant le plus faible taux de scolarisation au Bénin ?
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