5 reasons why education is a gift
Too many of us don’t think of education as a gift. But education contributes to a better life for all by reducing poverty, making people healthier, reducing child mortality, and increasing gender equality.
December 23, 2016 by GPE Secretariat
2 minutes read
Students at Anosisoa Primary School, Madagascar. Credit: GPE/Carine Durand

Too many of us don’t think of education as a gift. Some children in countries where schools are well built and equipped, teachers on time and motivated, textbooks available, may even resent having to go to school sometimes.

If only they knew that other children in different circumstances would give everything to go to school and have the chance to learn.

Truly, what better gift can there be but education?

  1. Education reduces poverty:
    • If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty. This is equal to a 12% cut in global poverty.
  2. Education makes people healthier:
    • A child whose mother can read is 50% more likely to live past the age of 5, 50% more likely to be immunized, and twice as likely to attend school. 
  3. Education promotes gender equality:
    • One additional school year can increase a woman's earnings by 10% to 20%.
  4. Education fosters peace:
    • Literate people are more likely to participate in the democratic process and exercise their civil rights.
  5. Education saves children’s lives
    • Educating girls averted more than 30 million deaths of children under 5. 

At GPE, we will continue to work tirelessly in the coming year and beyond to ensure more children can go to school and learn.

We wish all of our partners around the world a peaceful holiday season!

See sources for these statistics here

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Chers tous,
Nous avons lu avec attention soutenue, votre publication sur les 5 raisons de la gratuité de l’Éducation et leurs avantages, et nous en sommes ravis et convaincus de ces réalités!
Cependant, au vu de ce texte, nous vous rappelons qu'en notre qualité d'une ONGD oeuvrant aussi en Éducation, nous exprimons le réel plaisir et souci de travailler avec vous comme votre Partenaire ici en République Démocratique du Congo, et comptons sur votre bonne volonté de nous accepter en tant que partenaire.
Nos considérations.

Education also gives confidence and pride in oneself and helps one to become innovative and helpful. Education is a right of all children and all people. All the same can also be said for Health.

Education creates an atmosphere of connection and reliability. It gives strength and sets determination to those who received it

Merci pour ce texte bien écrit car étant un acteur du maintien et de la scolarisation de la jeune fille à l'école je suis ravi de ce texte qui nous soutien aussi efficacement dans nos combat. Je pense que la scolarisation de la jeune fille est au centre d'un véritable développement. Tous ensemble pour la réussite d'une scolarisation à 100%.

Aller à l'école c'est pas perdre son temps ça garantie un avenir meilleur


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