*This pledge covers the period 2021-2027.
The European Union and GPE
The European Commission is a long-standing and highly important partner for GPE.
Since joining the partnership in 2008, the European Commission has significantly increased its financial commitments to GPE, becoming the second largest donor to the fund, both cumulatively and with regards to its pledge at GPE’s 4th replenishment in 2021, for which the European Commission pledged €700,000,000.
The European Commission sits on the Executive Committee of the GPE Board. European Union donors and the European Commission are represented on 4 of the 6 donor seats on the Board of Directors. Taken together, their combined contributions to GPE represent 52% of total donor contributions.
The European Commission has made a political commitment to spend at least 10 % of the budget for development cooperation under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework to support access to quality education in developing countries.
The European Commission hosted the second GPE replenishment conference in Brussels in 2014.