Gender-responsiveness must be a core priority throughout the work of the Global Partnership for Education, given the vast mutual importance of gender equality and education.
As the global community has become increasingly aware, education plays a key role in realizing progress toward gender equality, empowering girls and boys with foundational skills, knowledge and skills for work, leadership capacities, increased livelihood opportunities, influence and autonomy.
At the same time, gender equality is indispensable to achieving educational goals that will make sustainable development possible. Experts have observed that education, along with economic growth, are the two key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most critical for the rest of the goals to be achieved, and a recent report from the International Monetary Fund notes the centrality of gender equality to economic growth.
Investments in education and gender equality yield private and public returns, supporting both economic and social development, as well as the advancement of global social justice and the human rights agenda. Their benefits extend to individuals, families, communities, and society at large.
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