A fund and a partnership
Private foundations have a pivotal role to play thanks to the skills and know-how they bring to the education sector, at all levels, including but also beyond their role as major funders of global education. Together we are working to improve learning outcomes, equity and inclusion for all.
Over more than a decade, private foundations have partnered with GPE to advance gender-responsive education planning, learning assessment systems, effective approaches to pre-primary and early childhood education, catalytic financing and global advocacy.
The GPE 2025 strategic plan encourages and incentivizes philanthropic engagement and the culture of evidence needed for well-focused education programs. Catalytic support from foundations is critical in a systemic, transformative approach to education financing and delivery.
Why partner with GPE?
How foundations can engage with GPE
Private foundations have partnered and engaged with GPE as a fund and as a partnership for over a decade. Our principle of mutual engagement recognizes that philanthropy is more than a funder of global education.
- As technical partners, foundations actively support the partnership. Pilot investment programs such as BELDS on early childhood education or A4L on learning assessments have crystalized thematic niches for foundation engagement. Co-creation of applied research initiatives through GPE’s Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), support to partner countries through GPE’s Technical Assistance Initiatives, inputs into technical frameworks and strategic GPE documents are other examples of technical engagement.
- As stakeholders in education dialogue and coordination, foundations have been part of GPE governance through a distinct Board seat since 2018. At country level, a growing number of foundations of all sizes are investing time and resources in joining and supporting local education groups or other coordination mechanisms.
- As advocates and influencers, private foundations have supported GPE’s efforts and campaigns to advocate for more and better financing for education. They also voice the ongoing need for action on transformative agendas including gender equality commitments, climate action and early childhood care and education.
- As funders, foundations have contributed over $30 million to the GPE Fund to date, in support of the Girls’ Education Accelerator, KIX and thematic initiatives. An additional $100+ million have been deployed or committed in co-financing of country-level education programs through the GPE Multiplier.
GPE’s model of engagement with private foundations offers the flexibility to explore partnerships and collaboration where interests intersect, towards the transformation of education systems.
Some of our partners