Swift and flexible support to boost education for all

BACKUP Education offers support to African countries who are GPE partners as they prepare and implement their education sector plans.

December 15, 2014 by BACKUP Education
7 minutes read
A schoolgirl at the blackboard in Sierra Leone (c) GIZ/Ronja Hoelzer

Responding swiftly to country needs

Earlier this year, the Democratic Republic of Congo was challenged when starting to organize its first joint education sector review with participation from the government, civil society and development partners. The country currently implements its interim education sector plan (2012-2014) for which the Global Partnership for Education provides US$100 million for the period 2012-2016. The grant supports the construction and rehabilitation of classrooms, better learning materials, teacher training, and helps to strengthen the management of the education system.

The joint education sector review is a crucial exercise aiming at taking stock of the progress made in the implementation of the interim plan. Organizing the joint review however turned out to be a stumbling block since the capacity and experience needed for preparing and carrying out such a review were lacking in the government. Hence, the Congolese Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Professional Education requested the German BACKUP Initiative – Education in Africa (BACKUP Education) to finance an international expert who could support the preparation and facilitation of the joint sector review.

Extra funding to boost GPE processes

BACKUP Education is an innovative and yet simple support mechanism that helps to facilitate country-level processes of the Global Partnership for Education as well as its global governance and regional exchange. Since 2012, BACKUP Education has supported 102 activities in 24 countries. With new funding provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, it continues to support African countries in providing quality education through to 2017.

When countries face unforeseen needs for additional technical expertise, analysis or capacity development and additional support is not available at short-notice, wider sector processes can be delayed or even compromised in terms of quality. This might put the achievement of education goals at risk. BACKUP Education is designed to help countries to overcome these barriers by providing technical and financial assistance to fill such emerging gaps swiftly and flexibly, where no other funding sources are available.

“We have seen BACKUP Education intervene at times when we have experienced road blocks in our processes, not only with our constituency work but especially at the country level.”
Djibril Ndiaye Diouf, Director of Planning and Education Reform, Ministry of Education, Senegal

Boosting the effective implementation of GPE grants

After the successful completion of its first joint sector review, the Democratic Republic of Congo is now developing action plans with budgets attached at central and decentralized levels to facilitate the effective implementation of the interim education sector plan. In addition, BACKUP Education enabled four ministry staff to participate in a one-year blended training course on Sector Policies and Management of Education Systems (PSGSE) offered by the UNESCO’s Institute for Educational Planning - Pôle de Dakar and the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Education and Training of the University in Dakar. Strengthening the skills of ministry staff contributes to the sustainable development of national capacity – which is BACKUP Education’s ultimate goal.

“The consultant financed by the German BACKUP Initiative – Education in Africa played a key role in the preparation of the joint sector review.”
Minister of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education of the DRC

What is special about BACKUP Education’s support?

BACKUP support is not an initiative on its own. It only works in support of the larger goals of the Global Partnership for Education and ensures flexible and quick funding to fill gaps where they arise in the process of developing education sector plans and implementing them effectively.

BACKUP Education support is:

  • Responding to locally identified needs: Ministries of Education and national and regional civil society coalitions and their member organizations can request BACKUP Education’s support.
  • Swift and flexible: The German BACKUP model for development cooperation allows a rapid process, channeling funds within two weeks to two months depending on the requested support. Three different modes of funding allow tailored responses to the applicants’ needs.
  • Aligned with processes supported by GPE: Close cooperation with the GPE Secretariat, UN agencies, bilateral and multilateral donor partners and civil society organizations at international, regional and national level to complement and boost joint efforts of the local education groups.
  • Adapting to current GPE developments: BACKUP Education is prepared to respond to needs emerging with the introduction of GPE’s new funding model, for example for improved sector analysis, strengthening national data systems or local education groups.
  • Focus on gender equality, civil society participation, conflict and crisis sensitivity and national capacity development: Applicants need to state how they consider these four cross-cutting issues in the design of the proposed measure. BACKUP Education compiled a resource list which offers an overview of existing guidelines and tools for national education sector development with particular focus on such cross-cutting issues. For the application of selected tools support can be requested from BACKUP Education.
"I have never encountered a donor like this – they listen to what you propose and do not try to twist what you are trying to do.”
A civil society partner

How to apply for BACKUP Education’s support?

Please visit BACKUP Education’s website or contact us at @email for more information.

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Thanks for sharing this very interesting initiative by GiZ in support of the GPE objectives it is great to see a donor fund which si responsive to needs identified during the implementation of education sector plans which seek to provide rapid budget transfer and skills support in order for the national education plan to be implemented.

Bonjour. Je suis admis pour le Programme de Formation Approfondie 2019-2020 de l'IIPE de Paris. Pour cela, je voudrais vous envoyer une requête de financement.
Je vous remercie.

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