Looking Ahead to the June 2014 GPE Pledging Conference

This session looks at the surrounding landscape of issues and implications for support to basic education as the Global Partnership for Education launches its second Replenishment in a Pledging Conference in Brussels in June. The sessions will consider the evolving relations between the World Bank and GPE, the World Bank and GPE support to basic education and the overall education aid landscape, GPE’s support to civil society through the Civil Society Education Fund, GPE’s country-level impact and national education advocates’ activity around GPE replenishment, and implications of the GPE Pledging Conference on education in a post-2015 world.

Panelists include Elizabeth King (World Bank), Charles Tapp (GPE), Caroline Pearce (GCE), Lea Salmon-Marchat (University Cheikh Anta Diop) and Chernor Bah (Youth Advocacy Group)

For registration, visit the World Bank Spring Meeting site